Why Hannah Einbinder wants Ava and Deborah to meet at Hacks

Why Hannah Einbinder wants Ava and Deborah to meet at Hacks

#Hannah #Einbinder #Ava #Deborah #meet #Hacks

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Hack stars Paul W. Downs and Megan Stalter explain the scene to Me Too.

Hannah Einbinder hopes a Hacks homecoming is on the horizon.

At the end of the second season of the HBO Max comedy Deborah Vance (Jean Smart) fired writing partner Ava (Einbinder) in an attempt to get her to spread her wings and pursue her own professional aspirations. It was a poignant, bittersweet moment that Einbinder hopes is not indicative of the future.

“I just hope they don’t stay apart for long.” Einbinder said Variety August 25. “I hope that whatever the catalyst is, it will come quickly. But they didn’t really tell me anything about the trajectory of the show going forward.”

Although she wasn’t privy to plans for a third season, Einbinder has some of her own.

“I hope [the characters] maintain certain respectable relationships where [Ava] was able to understand the balance of Deborah becoming a part of her life rather than her whole life,” she offered. — I hope they have something to work on. I love seeing the two of them at work on a comedy. I hope there will be much more of it.”

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