Was Olivia Newton John Gay? John Travolta and Grease Faces Homophobic Accusations In The Modern Day Times

Was Olivia Newton John Gay? John Travolta and Grease Faces Homophobic Accusations In The Modern Day Times
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Olivia Newton-John was not gay. Find out about her sexuality and her personal life.

Australia’s Dame Olivia Newton-John AC DBE was a singer, songwriter, actor, businesswoman, and activist. She was born on September 26, 1948, in Britain, and she passed away on August 8, 2022. She won four Grammy Awards, and two of her albums, Have You Never Been Mellow (1974) and If You Love Me, Let Me Know (1974), were both number-one on the Billboard 200. She also had five number-one singles and ten top-ten singles on the Billboard Hot 100. (1975).

Also, the Recording Industry Association of America has certified 14 of her albums and 11 of her singles as gold. Two of her singles have been certified platinum (RIAA). From the middle of the 20th century until now, Newton-John was one of the best-selling musicians, with more than 100 million records sold all over the world.

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Lesbian rumors made people wonder if Olivia Newton John was gay

It was said that Olivia Newton-John was gay or a lesbian, but it turned out to be just a rumor. In reality, she was neither gay nor lesbian. But because she played a gay character, a lot of people didn’t know if she was gay or straight.

Even though Olivia Newton-John played a gay character in the movie, she was not gay herself. She did, however, have a large number of gay and lesbian fans, and some Internet users think she has always had lesbian fans.

She had only ever dated people of the opposite sex when she thought about it. Bruce Welch was engaged to Newton-Early John in 1968, but they never got married. Welch was one of Newton-Early John’s producers and helped write her hit song “Please Mr. Please.” Welch’s relationship with Newton-John ended in 1972, and he tried to kill himself soon after.

In 1973, while on vacation on the French Riviera, Newton-John met British businessman Lee Kramer for the first time. He later became her new boyfriend and manager, but in 1979, they broke up. Newton-John got married to actor Matt Lattanzi in December 1984. They had been living together for a long time. Their daughter’s name is Chloe Rose (Born Jan 1986).

John Travolta in Grease and the claims that the movie was homophobic

John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John played Danny and Sandy in the 1978 American musical romantic comedy film Grease. But people said the movie was homophobic.

People noticed that the fake radio host, Vince Fontaine, said that same-sex couples couldn’t be in the dance-off scenario. One person on Twitter who was watching said, “All pairings must be boy/girl?” So, Grease, throw out your homophobia.

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The movie is set in 1959, before any US state made being gay not a crime. But by the time the movie came out in 1978, same-sex sexual acts were no longer illegal in 16 states. Edd Byrnes, who plays the announcer, has also come under fire for making out with Marty, a member of the Pink Ladies and a real-life teenager. On the other hand, Olivia Newton-John said that calling the musical Grease “racist, rapey, and homophobic” was “silly.”

Problems with Olivia Newton John’s health and what led to her death

Newton-breast In May 2017, it was found that John’s cancer had come back and spread to her lower back. Unfortunately, her back pain wasn’t caused by sciatica as the first doctor thought.

Newton-John later said that this was her third battle with breast cancer, since she had secretly fought the disease again in 2013 after her first battle in 1992. After the cancer came back in 2017, it had progressed to stage IV and spread to her bones.

Newton-John was in a lot of pain because of the metastatic bone lesions, and she had talked openly about how cannabis oil could help. She pushed for medical marijuana to be used. Her daughter Chloe has a pot farm in Oregon. She died at her home in California on August 8, 2022.