The Bachelorette: What Happened When Logan Joined Team Gabby

The Bachelorette: What Happened When Logan Joined Team Gabby
#Bachelorette #Happened #Logan #Joined #Team #Gabby
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Once Logan was out of dodge, host Jesse Palmer came to comfort Rachel. “I feel like I’m failing in my role as The Bachelorette,” she told him. Despite a pep talk from the former football star, Rachel made the decision to cancel her group date.

Of course, once Logan told Rachel, he also had to tell Gabby. After explaining the situation, Gabby wasn’t exactly upset by the news.

“You were our only overlap in the beginning,” Gabby revealed to Logan. “You were the only one that both of felt like we could comfortably say, ‘I’m into him.’ That night, when you had come over and kissed both of us, it sounded like you and her and a really great conversation. I completely backed away.”

Gabby and Rachel linked up immediately afterward and while Rachel told Gabby that she wanted her to keep Logan around if she saw a future with him, she revealed just the opposite in confessional, saying, “I really hope Gabby sends him home.”


Before that evening’s after-party, Logan switched sides and made his presence known to Gabby’s suitors. They were not very pleased, with Erich insinuating some less-than-honest intentions, theorizing, “Maybe he’s the most calculated dude here.”

Despite the drama, Rachel managed to enjoy herself that night at the afterparty, giving a rose to Tino, and had a successful one-on-one date the next day with Aven, where she presented him with a rose.

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Gabby also had a lovely one-on-one date with Johnny, where he secured a rose, and a group date with the rest of the guys that involved making Belgian waffles, playing soccer and getting slapped across the face by some fish. Gabby presented her afterparty rose to Nate.