Nick Jonas Reveals Secrets Behind the Jonas Brothers’ Song “S.O.S.”

Nick Jonas Reveals Secrets Behind the Jonas Brothers’ Song “S.O.S.”
#Nick #Jonas #Reveals #Secrets #Jonas #Brothers #Song #S.O.S
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SOS, it’s been over a decade and we still can’t get enough of this song.

Nick Jonas took to TikTok to celebrate the 15-year anniversary of the Jonas Brothers‘ track “S.O.S” and to share a few “fun facts” about the iconic hit.

As Nick revealed in his Aug. 3 video, “I wrote the song when I was 13 in a hotel room in New York City.”

And it turns out, “S.O.S.” had a different tune when he first wrote it. The 29-year-old explained that it “wasn’t until we got into the studio with John Fields, our producer, that we were thinking, ‘It needs to be more memorable right off the top,’ So, that guitar line was born.”

But the tune wasn’t the only thing to get swapped during production. Nick shared, “It was originally titled ‘A Call I’ll Never Get,’ and when it came time to make the track list for the album, everyone kept calling it ‘S.O.S.’ So, we went with that.”

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