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A famous person known as Rocks D. Xebec will appear in One Piece 1068. The introduction of Rox D. Xebec in One Piece 1068 will undoubtedly result in the chapter climbing the ranks of the craziest ever published this year.

Flashbacks to Rocks D. Xebec, likely the first of many chapters to appear in One Piece 1068, have always been the means by which the wrongdoings of the World Government are brought to light. Such a case could expose another critical secret about World Government.

Punk Records is the name of One Piece Chapter 1067, and this chapter explains why Vegapunk’s skull is so big by explaining that his brain is organized like a library. Caesar and Judge are shown fighting on the page that serves as the chapter cover. Check the illustrated page that can be found at the bottom of the chapter.

This chapter begins with Luffy’s group interacting with the Vegapunk elders. Immediately, we witness Bonney getting angry and questioning the old Vegapunk about what happened to him and why his head shrunk. As a reaction, he said he cut it, leading one to believe he was referring to his hair.

One Piece Chapter 1068

One Piece Chapter 1068
One Piece Chapter 1068

Jimbei recalls hearing rumors about Vegapunk’s head being so big, to which Vegapunk replies that it’s because he ate the Brain-Brain Fruit. Jimbei reflects that he heard those rumors. It allows the user to store any information for an infinite amount of time, and in return, it causes the user’s brain to expand.

He says that the more knowledge he gets, the bigger his head will be. However, at this point, he placed his head on the island of Egg Head, now known as Punk Records, and the apple that landed on top of his head acted as an antenna. In addition, he explains to Luffy’s group about the six Vegapunks and how each of them is an expert in their specialty, and how they synchronize their memories once a day.

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One Piece chapter 1068: Spoiler

Vegapunk continued their explanation by saying that sharing Punk Records is like sharing a vast library and if everyone in the world has access to it and they improve it, then humanity will be able to function as one big brain. Jimbei asks if they won’t start a conflict against people with different views, to which Vegapunk replies that if they keep worrying, no progress will be made.

As a result of his remarks, Bonney becomes enraged and decides to attack Vegapunk with a saber. However, since the blade is damaged, he is attracted by a large number of bugs, causing him to pass out. Vegapunk asks, since the straw hats are in Wano, won’t they have a chance to meet a dragon comparable to Kaido? Vegapunk considers it a disappointment after learning that, except for its color, it functions in the same way as Kaido’s Dragon.

One Piece Chapter 1068

One Piece Chapter 1068
One Piece Chapter 1068

One Piece Chapter 1067: Recap

Bonney attacks Vegapunk in the raw scan for One Piece chapter 1067! Bonney attacks Vegapunk.

Luffy questions Vegapunk about the massive robot and asks him to move it since he created it; however, Vegapunk says it was built around 900 years ago, and the last time it was activated was 200 years ago, at the time of the Fishermen’s rebellion. Luffy is surprised by Vegapunk’s response and asks him to move it again. Since then, it has been kept safe in the Punk Records, a secret archive rescued by scientists from the government.

One Piece Chapter 1068

One Piece Chapter 1068
One Piece Chapter 1068

One Piece Chapter 1068: Release Date

• Pacific Daylight Time: 8:00 am, December 04

• Central Daylight Time: 10:00 am, December 04

• Eastern Daylight Time: 11:00 am, December 04

• British Summer time: 4:00 pm, December 04

• Central European Summer Time: 5:00 pm, December 04

• Indian Standard time: 8:30 pm, December 04

• Philippine weather: 11:00 pm, December 04

• Australian Central Daylight Time: 00:30 pm, December 04

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