Meghan King says she was horrified after seeing the results of her nose job

Meghan King says she was horrified after seeing the results of her nose job

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New face, who is it?

One month after nose surgery, Megan King admitted on social media that she wasn’t sold on the results at first.

Sept. 30, ex The Real Housewives of Orange County the star shared a retrospective video about her Instagram Stories her post-surgery check-up, giving fans a glimpse into her surgical experience. In the clip, shot seven days after rhinoplasty, Megan removes the bandage from the nose— what she called a “great revelation” — and seeing her new face for the first time.

IN further videoMeghan, 38, admitted she was initially “shocked” by what she saw, saying she thought her nose looked wider than before the procedure. “I wasn’t prepared for how bad the swelling would be,” she said. “I had a vasovagal reaction. I was vomiting. I was absolutely horrified.”

However, later that day the swelling had subsided and Meghan said she was “amazed by the difference after just a few hours”.

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