Lea Michele will miss several Funny Girls shows due to COVID-19

Lea Michele will miss several Funny Girls shows due to COVID-19

#Lea #Michele #Funny #Girls #shows #due #COVID19

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There is nothing funny about the coronavirus.

Lea Michele announced that she had tested positive for COVID-19 four days after starting her lead role of Fanny Bryce Cheerful girl on Broadway. As a result, she will be forced to miss several performances.

actress shared the disappointing news in her Instagram Stories explaining that she must remain in quarantine while she recovers.

“According to production protocol, I cannot return to the theater for 10 days,” she wrote on September 10. “Fortunately, the fact that I stayed home today and noticed it earlier protected many members of our company from exposure.”

The Joy The alum shared that she wasn’t the only one in the theater battling the virus.

Cheerful girl has overcome and is still dealing with a huge wave of COVID-19, and about a dozen members of the company have left so far,” she continued. “We’re almost on the other side of that, and our swings and understudies are doing such an incredible job of keeping our show going.”

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