Lance Bass and Daniel Fishel are turning their novel into a movie

Lance Bass and Daniel Fishel are turning their novel into a movie

#Lance #Bass #Daniel #Fishel #turning #movie

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In 2006, Lance came out as gay and married Mykhailo Tuchin in 2014. However, it is this journey that Lance aims to show.

“The reason we wanted to do this prom story is because I think so many people can relate to this story,” Lance said as a guest on the podcast episode. “So many people in the LGBT community, their prom was the night they said, ‘Oh, wait. It can’t be like that anymore.” It was the catalyst for me to start accepting myself, which took a long time, but it was definitely the first straw that broke the camel’s back.”

When it came to that fateful prom night, well, let’s let Danielle tell the story.

“Lance and I booked a hotel room and I envisioned what the night would be like,” Danielle said, “and Lance was very concerned about what my vision would be that night.”

As you probably already guessed, everything did not go according to Danielle’s plan.

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