John Easterling Net Worth of $12 Million, This Is How Producer’s Career Earnings Shape Up

John Easterling Net Worth of $12 Million, This Is How Producer’s Career Earnings Shape Up
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John Easterling was born to American parents on April 10, 1952, somewhere in the country.

His star sign is Aries, and he will be 70 years old in 2022. His parents raised him and his brothers in the town where they lived.

John comes from the United States. He signed up for classes at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. He went on to get an environmental science degree.

In 2022, how rich is John Easterling?

John Easterling is worth $12 million in 2022.

His money comes from how well his business, Amazon Herb, does. He also started the company and is the CEO of it.

In 1990, he opened his business. In 2011, the company said it made $100 million each year. Even though this is the case, the business is doing well and growing. So, the value of Easterling is probably higher right now.

He seems to be involved in other businesses and investments as well. John cares about taking care of the earth. He wrote a book called John Easterling -Founder, Amazon Herb Company.

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His book also has a rating of four stars. So, it seems like people like what’s in his book. It’s being sold for $23 on Amazon.

John Easterling’s Job History

John Easterling tried to join the Peace Corps after he graduated.

But he quit the corps soon after and went to South America in search of adventure. Soon after that, he started trading rare minerals and gems like opals, roses, mountain crystals, etc.

A few years after his first trip, he began his first important excavation.

Christopher Columbus found many pieces of prehistoric art and fabrics, which he later sold to galleries and museums. Easterling got hepatitis in 1980, and he was in danger of dying. After he got better, he went back to work.

In 1990, he was paddling a motorized canoe down a creek when he started to feel sick. So, he went back the way he came. Easterling made it to a small town before he passed out, even though he was very tired.

He was lucky that the tribe who lived in the settlement accepted him. Easterling stayed in the town for three days while the people there took care of his illness. They gave him a drink made of herbs, among other things.

When he started drinking the tea every day, his health got much better. Because of the constant pain, he was very tired both physically and mentally. He knew right away that the real prize was the priceless plants.

Soon, Easterling met Dr. Nicole Maxwell, a researcher who had spent more than 40 years looking for plants in the Amazon. He went with him, and they worked together to start the Amazon Herb Company in 1990.

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The company has also farmed near the Amazon. It is based in Jupiter, Florida. It makes and sells herbs, herbal goods, and herbal cosmetics.

All of the laws and rules about sustainable development and protecting the environment are followed by the business. In 2012, the Amazon Herb Company joined TriVita, an Arizona-based global health and wellness company.

By taking advantage of an opportunity in this way, the man built his career and reached the top of his field.

Houses and Cars by John Easterling

John Easterling has a lot of money and owns a lot of bungalows all over the world.

John has bungalows in both California and Jupiter, Florida. He also has more, but for safety reasons, he hasn’t said where he usually stays.

John owns several cars with well-known brands, such as BMW, Mercedes, Bentley, Audi, and Tesla.

Most of these couples’ homes are worth $5 million or more and are among the most expensive in the world. John also owns 284 acres of land on different continents, where he grows herbs for his business, Amazon Herb.