Gina Rodriguez Shares How New Role Shaped Her Impending Motherhood

Gina Rodriguez Shares How New Role Shaped Her Impending Motherhood
#Gina #Rodriguez #Shares #Role #Shaped #Impending #Motherhood

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in Lost Ollie, Gina stars as a mother in central Kentucky who tries to incorporate her own heritage and background into her son’s life. This got Gina thinking about how she would do the same when her own family began to grow.

“My family has mixed cultures and mixed religions,” she explained. “There is Christianity, there is also Buddhism and there is also Judaism, and all the different traditions that are followed in these different religions. My older sister, who converted to Judaism, and her husband, who is Jewish, observe Shabbat. They actually Do It. No electronics for the weekend. All the time spent with the family, togetherness and dinner.”

Gina said she looks forward to integrating various aspects of religion and culture into her child’s life — even those that are not her own.

“We have to be a part of it. I didn’t necessarily grow up with these traditions, and now to see how they are reflected in the lives of my nieces and nephews, she continued, and how incredibly it brings the family together. my husband can really be affected by this experience because we participate with him.”

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