Find out if Gabby and Rachel got engaged on The Bachelorette.

Find out if Gabby and Rachel got engaged on The Bachelorette.

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Rachel told the host in front of the studio audience Jesse Palmer what how Beetle started hitting the airwaves, she and Tino started having problems, which she says eventually led to him cheating on her.

Rachel explained that she ended up confronting Tino — while the cameras were rolling!

After Rachel encouraged Gabby, Tino came in with a diary in hand. “So I’m confused,” he said. “I kissed another girl, but as soon as I did, I knew I belonged to you.”

Tino explained that he kissed a girl he knew before the show when he and Rachel were having issues. It was then that Tino began reading excerpts from his diary that traced the chronology of their relationship.

The pair went in circles, including Tino accusing Rachel of refusing to go to therapy (which she denied) before Tino left the house. In a conversation with the producer, Tino complained: “It’s nothing but that I look bad. It totally cracks me up.”

Tino started crying and said, “Just tell her to break up with me. Let me go.”

Back at the house, Tino told Rachel, “I totally understand the emotional betrayal, but I just didn’t want to put it on you.”

After another tense conversation, Tino left the house again and for some reason unbuttoned his shirt in Rachel’s yard. Eventually he went back inside — with his shirt buttoned up — and thankfully it was over.

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Rachel told Tina she was done, gave him the ring back, and he left.

Alone in her home again, Rachel asked herself, “Am I crazy or did this just happen?”

We kind of ask ourselves the same thing, Rachel!

Back at the studio, Tino came out for one last conversation with Rachel, which was just as exhausting and tortuous as the ones we just saw. however, Beetle he still had one last trick up his sleeve as Jesse said someone else was clamoring for a chance to chat with Rachel.

And that’s when Aven, whom Rachel broke up with in the first part of the finale, left.

“Do you want to get out of here and catch up?” he asked Rachel, to which she replied with a twinkle in her eye: “I would love nothing more.”

We love happy endings!