What does the final episode of Netflix Black Butterflies mean and who is the killer?

What does the final episode of Netflix Black Butterflies mean and who is the killer?

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What does the final episode of Netflix Black Butterflies mean and who is the killer?

Olivier Abbou and Bruno Merle are responsible for the Netflix crime series Black Butterflies, also known as Les Papillons Noirs in its original French title. The plot revolves around Adrien Winckler, a writer suffering from writer’s block who agrees to accept an offer to write the memoirs of Albert, an elderly man who is getting closer to his death with each passing day. However, as Adrien engages more with Albert’s story, he quickly realizes that this isn’t a romance about two lovers, but rather a confession of their crimes. Adrien was unaware of this revelation until it was too late. The events of the story impact Adrien’s life and work, leading to a surprising ending that will leave the viewer in a difficult position. If you have any questions on how to complete Black Butterflies, here is all the information you need. SPOILERS AHEAD!

Black butterflies

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Black butterflies abstract

Adrien Winckler, a French author whose debut novel was a bestseller in that country, is introduced to the audience in the documentary entitled Black Butterflies. On the other hand, he’s struggling to get ahead with his next novel. As a result, he decides to accept the older man’s offer to write memoirs for him. Adrien is hired on a personal basis by a guy named Albert who believes Adrien is the ideal person to tell the story of his life. After Adrien talks to Albert, we get flashbacks to earlier events in Albert’s life. In their conversation, Albert Adrien tells the story of Solange, a young immigrant who is the daughter of a prostitute he knew as a child. Due to the fact that both Albert and Solange were victims of bullying, a strong relationship developed between the two. As Albert and Solange were older, their childhood bond evolved into a romantic relationship.

One day at the beach, Albert and Solange were lucky enough to meet two boys. However, one of them attempts to rape Solange, and she is eventually forced to take her own life to protect herself. Albert takes care of the other boy to protect Solange. Later, Albert and Solange make love for the first time. Adrien is stunned to discover that the memoir is a confession of the crimes committed by Albert, and she wonders if the man is telling the truth or not. Although Adrien has considered quitting the job, he is forced to continue working due to his publisher and the fact that he has financial commitments.

The narration is continued by Albert, who describes how he and Solange became intoxicated by the murder. The couple had a habit of hunting down men of dubious morality and then murdering them. After some time passed, they engaged in sexual activities and eventually began to revel in the excitement of their doings. As Adrien becomes more immersed in Albert’s story, the relationship he has with his wife Nora begins to suffer. Meanwhile, Detective Carrel is investigating an unsolved case that may or may not be connected to Albert and Solange’s rampage across France.

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In due course, Albert Adrien will reveal important information that will ultimately convince her that the story is true. Adrien, upset, confronts Albert and demands an explanation of how he got his job. According to Albert, Adrien is the son he and Solange have together. After discovering that she was pregnant with a child, Solange decided to end her relationship with Albert because she did not want to raise a child with a criminal background. Knowing that Albert would not give up being a serial killer, Solange ran away from him. Due to the fact that they both have type 1 diabetes, Adrien understands that Albert is being completely honest. Arien is upset after learning the truth about his parents, so he decides to kill Adrien. The rest of the story is about how Adrien reacts when he learns the truth about his mother’s past.

The conclusion of “Black Butterflies”: Who is the killer?

After killing Albert, Adrien finishes the book and has it published. It seems that the problems in their marriage were resolved after he reconciled with Nora and the two conceive a child. On the other hand, Adrien severes all ties with his mother, Catherine, often known as Solange. Adrien believes that the fact that his mother committed murders made him a murderer, although he considers his mother a victim of the circumstances in which she found herself. As a result, he will not converse with her. In the course of his conversation with Nastya, Adrien receives a hint that his mother and not his father could be responsible for all the deaths. After looking through some old newspapers, he discovers that his mother had a legitimate reason for killing her second husband.

As a result, Adrien is unable to differentiate between fictional stories and actual events. He begins to imagine his mother as the actual killer and becomes even more worried. Meanwhile, Catherine struggles to get along with her grandson, Roman. Catherine makes a desperate attempt to get away with Roman after overhearing Adrien counseling Nora about the danger his mother poses. However, Nora manages to stop them. In the end, Catherine admits that she found out about Albert’s role in Adrien’s life through Nora, who inadvertently revealed the subject of Adrien’s upcoming book.

There is a flashback in the last scene showing Catherine and Albert getting back together. She showed up at Albert’s apartment to talk to Adrien about the plans Albert had. During the conversation, Catherine tries to convince Albert to deceive Adrien by appealing to his love for her. As a result, the conversation implies that most of the murders were committed by Catherine, aka Solange. She hid the evidence of the crimes with Albert’s help.

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In addition, she manages to convince Albert to lie to Adrien to protect her reputation in her son’s eyes. Even though the show never comes out and says that Solange is responsible for all the murders, what is established is that she is the one who killed the boy on the beach, her second husband, and her biological father. Furthermore, the conversation she had with Nora provides additional evidence that she has developed a strong dislike for men based on her past experiences. Solange has been abused by several men, which may have led her to commit murder. For this reason, it is reasonable to assume that Catherine, aka Solange, is responsible for the majority, if not all, of the murders Albert Adrien informs about.

Can Mathilde catch Adrien?

Detective Carrel’s story is told alongside Adrien’s revelations about his real parents, which the audience watches as they happen. He decides to pursue a cold case, which eventually leads him to Albert’s house. It doesn’t take long for Albert to find out that Carrel is actually the same baby he and Solange found in one of their killing sprees. Because Albert didn’t want any more children, they put the infant up for adoption at a local church. Because the baby had a heterochromatic complexion, Albert was able to identify Carrel. Carrel is held hostage by Albert, and when he eventually dies, the detective cannot leave the basement.

Meanwhile, Mathilde, one of Carrel’s associates, begins searching for the missing detective after he is reported missing. Mathilde eventually discovers Carrel’s body in the basement of Albert’s house. After reading Adrien’s book, she concludes that the child described as having heterochromatic skin is actually Carrel. Because of this, she has a sneaking suspicion that Adrien had something to do with Carrel’s death. She goes in search of Adrien and finally succeeds in catching the well-known author. However, Mathilde’s search for information about Carrel’s death is far from over.

During the climax sequence of the sixth episode, Mathilde is seen handing Adrien over to the authorities. She questions Adrien about Detective Carrel. Adrien, on the other hand, is completely oblivious to Carrel and the role he plays throughout the narrative. Nevertheless, Mathilde thinks Adrien’s answer is a lie and demands that he confess the truth. She argues that the reference to Carrel in Adrien’s work should not be confused. However, Adrien cannot understand the scenario and so Mathilde asks him to tell the whole story from the beginning.

Black butterflies
Black butterflies

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We don’t get to see Adrien’s reaction because the show goes straight to the credits. Then again, it seems like Adrien has no choice but to narrate the entire event. Despite this, Adrien’s interpretation of the scenario he told Albert is distorted. He can’t tell the difference between fiction and the real world. Furthermore, it is evident from the interaction between Catherine and Albert that Albert intentionally embellished several aspects of his story. In light of this, it doesn’t matter whose account Adrien tells Mathilde about the events; She will never get a satisfactory answer to Carrel’s death.