Watch the Pogues Season 3 Teaser as Castaways in the Outer Banks

Watch the Pogues Season 3 Teaser as Castaways in the Outer Banks

#Watch #Pogues #Season #Teaser #Castaways #Outer #Banks

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IN Foreign banks teaser for the third season, the Pogs create their own “heaven on earth”, as John B. would call it.

Netflix released the first teaser for the third season of our favorite teen mystery show on September 24th, and yes, it’s pretty sweet lost vibrations

Picking up where season two left off, the group finds themselves on a deserted island (with no treasure). The trailer opens with a view of a tropical beach that is clearly far, far away from North Carolina, with JJ (Rudy Pankov) raising a homemade flag with the inscription “Poguelandia” over the group’s small camp.

“My dad always said, ‘Nothing good comes easy.’ They don’t give anything worthy” Chase Stokessays John Bee as the group starts their fellowship. “The question is, what are you willing to do to win? How far will you go to get your treasure?” It is clear that the Pogs are not safe, even being so far from the Outer Banks.

We also get to see all of our favorite returning locals for the first time, incl Madeleine Klein, Madison Bailey, Jonathan Davis, Austin North, Drew Starkey, Charles Esten and Carlasia Grantwhich debuted in the second season.

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