Another World Star Robyn Griggs Dead at 49

Another World Star Robyn Griggs Dead at 49
#World #Star #Robyn #Griggs #Dead
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actress Robin Griggs passed away at the age of 49.

The death of the soap star was announced by a friend in a statement published on Griggs Facebook page.

“It is with a heavy heart that I am saddened to announce the passing of Robyn,” the Aug. 13 statement said. “However, she is no longer suffering and would like us to remember this and the good memories.”

She continued: “I’ll never forget how open she was to telling her story and letting me help her tell it. She wanted to help people and spread the word about her story to do that. It was an honor for me.”

“RIP, my friend, I love you and smile when I think of you,” the statement concluded.

Days before her death, Griggs’ father shared on her Facebook page that his daughter was about to be placed in hospice care, adding: “She fought with determination, strength and grace that is inspiring.”

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