5 Equipment You Should Have In Your Tattoo Kit

A tattoo artist may find it difficult to pick the best tattooing equipment. Tattoo supplies come in wide varieties, and each has different aspects that you need to take into consideration. Artists of all levels need quality tattooing supplies to showcase their talents.

A tattooing kit should always include needles, tubes, tips, grips, ink, a machine, stencil products along with numbing lotion for tattoos. With the right tattooing equipment in your kit, you can start creating beautiful designs that your customers will love. Let’s discuss about what equipment you must have in your tattoo kit.

Here’s What a Tattoo Kit Should Consists of:

Medical Supplies and Sterilization Tattoo Equipment

The importance of sterilization when handling tattoo shops or places cannot be overstated. Whether you’re just experimenting or not, sterilizing equipment is important. It can be dangerous if the needle has bacteria on it or the ink is contaminated. In order to take care of these tattoos successfully, it is important to provide customers with guidance on how to go about it. Therefore, your tattoo kit should definitely contain the following sterilizing equipment:

  1. Medical Alcohol
  2. Vaseline
  3. Sanitizers
  4. Razors
  5. Numbing Spray Bottles
  6. Bandages

To carry out the tattoo process, these are just a few of the tattoo supplies you will need. As long as all the basics are covered, the customer’s safety and healing process are not at risk.

It is an artist’s responsibility to keep their tattoo supplies clean and sterile for the safety of their customers. In order to ensure customer safety, disposables must be disposed of properly, and equipment that will be used again must be medically sterilized. Besides sterilizing equipment, tattoo shops require a variety of medical supplies to keep customers healthy.

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Needle Supplies for Tattoo

When tattooing, it’s important to choose the right needle. There are different needle gauges for different types of tattoos. A needle grouping will be your best option if you need to work with large tattoo areas. Make a cost estimate beforehand. Listed below are the different types of needles that you need to have in your kit:

  1. Flat tattoo needles
  2. Waved magnum needles
  3. Round tattoo needles
  4. Magnum tattoo
  5. Stacked magnum needles
  6. curved magnum needles

It is also crucial to have needle cartridges on hand as any tattoo machine can use cartridge needles.  Choosing tattoo needles is like choosing paint brushes that have different types of tips and finishes. Different needles are available for drawing fine lines, filling in colors, and shading. A needle can be classified by its thickness and the number of needles that are soldered together to make it. Many tattoo needles are composed of multiple needles packed tightly together.

Ink and Stencils Supplies for Tattoo Making

In the end, what makes your art come to life and what makes it stand out is quality ink. Tattoo artists must choose the right inks and stencils for their tattoos to achieve the desired results. Without a range and variety of colors, stencils, and equipment, tattoo artists’ artwork will look subpar and pointless, regardless of how many supplies they have.

Ultimately, the quality of the ink the artist chooses determines the quality of the final product, so if the ink is poor, the picture will be poor. So, consider safe and high-quality ink for customers. Make sure your customers do not suffer from allergic reactions by testing out the ink before using it. An artist can choose from a variety of colors, and the more colors they own, the more detailed their work can be.

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Guiding or Aftercare Supplies

Additionally, these supplies include stencils that artists use to shape the work that customers request. Other than this, your equipment should have aftercare soaps, creams, and lotions. These supplies help relieve the pain a customer feels. For pain relief, tattoo artists should have tattoo numbing cream in their kit.

Tattoo Machines and Equipment Parts

The tattoo machine is an essential tool to create art. Machines used for insertion of needles into the skin must be of high quality, and their quality must not be compromised. When you choose high-quality equipment the first time, you should not have to replace or repair it for a long time. It is a lifetime investment to invest in tattoo supplies for an artist. Try out both coil and rotary machines to see which suits you best.

You will need expensive tattoo supplies to set up shop, but you can’t skip on quality when it comes to customer safety. Guns are the first thing you will need when gathering tattoo supplies. Coils or rotary drives are not important, but the parts that accompany them are important.

Closing Words

In setting up a tattoo shop, there are many supplies to consider, but choosing good quality equipment and supplies will minimize the need for replacements. The tattoo supplies you need don’t have to be extensive, just the basics. The rest will grow as your shop grows.